Balancing Men’s Hormones

Lose weight, lift depression, solve prostate problems, increase libido and reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

To all you men out there: Are you struggling with weight problems like unwanted belly fat, poor muscle tone or even have man boobs? Or maybe you’re struggling with low energy, anxiety or depression? Perhaps you’ve experienced a loss of fertility, sexual desire or even the ability to perform? You might be one of the millions of men who suffer from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or prostatitis, and be experiencing difficulty urinating.

For all you ladies who read this, there may be a man in your life who is experiencing problems like these. The majority of men in modern society do experience these and they are experiencing them at a younger and younger age. They are not on the couch because they’re lazy, they just don’t have the energy or stamina to get up. They love you but they just can’t get up.

If there is someone who is experiencing the above symptoms, you are not alone. These and other male health problems may involve hormonal imbalance. A general decline in testosterone levels coupled with the exposure to environmental chemicals with estrogenic activity, known as xenoestrogens, may be significant causal factors in all of these issues.

Understanding Male Hormones

Just as women undergo the hormonal changes associated with menopause, men also undergo hormonal changes. Their change is known as andropause, but it’s a much more subtle change. Beginning in their 50’s, most men experience a drop in testosterone of about one percent a year.

In addition to this natural drop, men are experiencing a loss of testosterone that has nothing to do with aging. It also appears that it isn’t even due to a poor diet or lifestyle. Men today have far lower levels of testosterone than men did in the past. which makes this natural decline even harder on their health.

According to a study published in the ‘Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism’ in 2007, men’s testosterone levels fell by 17% from 1987 to 2004, and that’s controlling for diet and lifestyle factors that affect testosterone levels. Researchers in the Massachusetts Male Aging Study observed that men born in recent years had substantially lower testosterone levels than men born between 1916 and 1945.

Whatever is happening, it is affecting young boys also. there are increasing incidences of birth defects of the penis and undescended testicles in infant boys. these reproductive problems are even being seen in wild animals, suggesting that the problem is an environmental issue. Many believe that excessive exposure to xenoestrogens is to blame.

It is well known that testosterone creates the characteristic male features of a man’s body. It contributes to muscle development, facial hair, body hair and the male drive to compete and succeed. Of course, it contributes to the male sex drive and ability to perform. Estrogen, on the other hand, creates the physical and emotional characteristics of the female body.

When testosterone level gets too low and estrogen is too high, men lose muscle tone, gain weight, start to lose their hair and increase their risk of heart disease, diabetes and structural problems. the also lose drive and ambition and may experience greater levels of anxiety and depression. they also lose their sex drive and may develop erectile dysfunction.

See the next blog post on ‘Enhancing Testosterone’…..